Die erste Folge der Blumenkinder wird auf der Klik! West Coast Tour gezeigt.
Together with the Netherlands Film Fund, ASIFA and many other partners we excitedly present: the KLIK! West Coast Tour! We’ll be traveling through Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland with the best contemporary animated shorts, Dutch and worldwide, as well as KLIK!’s beloved Midnight Madness and Sockpuppetparty.
Und zwar im Programm Midnight Madness.
“Midnight Madness (…) is a screening with the very weirdest the animation shorts the world has produced over the years. These shorts give you a wonderful feeling of alienation, bewilderment, and delight. If you’re brave enough to venture into a program that collects the damned, the strange, and the damned strangest from the world of animation, you’ll never look at the medium in the same way ever again.”
Sagt also schnell euren Freunden und Verwandten an der Westküste bescheid!
Die Tourdaten findet ihr wie immer unter Termine.
Mehr Infos zur Tour gibt’s hier.